If you’ve been bit by the circus bug, then you know what it is to want to improve yourself outside of class and IN class for your own aerial achievements. I love the aerial arts, and I’ve been training aerial silks since 2016. As I’ve begun to develop myself more as an aerialist and as a teacher, I’ve been seeking more resources to help me grow!

Here are three aerial arts resources for aerialists that I want to share with you so you can improve your own aerial journey.
Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts
Ever wonder what muscles need to be stronger or be working while you do a straddle invert or a tuck-up? Yeah, me too! Turns out this book Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts by Emily Scherb has done the work to create maps of the body for specific and basic aerial arts movements on vertical apparatus and bar apparatus.
If you want to know more about what your body is doing as it does specific tricks, check out this book!
Shannon McKenna Aerial
Ever wonder if there are any thorough online resources that can help you with inversions, shoulder health, or other aerial art details? Shannon McKenna developed a number of online resources that she is constantly revamping as she learns more.
Discover all of her resources on her website!
Paper Doll Militia
Paper Doll Militia specializes in performances and in aerial teacher certifications; however, as a student myself, I’ve learned a lot from them because they share progressions on their Instagram account. And almost every holiday season they create a daily or weekly challenge to continue working on aerial skills despite the holidays!
Follow them on Instagram at @paperdollmilitia
BONUS: Aerial Arts Exercise YouTube List
YouTube is a great resource for finding at-home workouts as well as muscle-specific workouts. I’ve begun a YouTube list of helpful exercises for newbie aerialists, and you can check it out here!
Do you have a favorite aerial arts resource? Share it in the comments!