If you’ve been visiting this page for the last three years, then you know I’ve had this spiffy set-up for that long. Well, I still really like what’s happening on this website, but I’m feeling the desire to do a bit of tidying.
And instead of doing a grand reveal, the changes will be made here and there.
It can be a game of “I spy with my little eye…” if you want it to be.
This past year, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some talented graphic designers, photographers, and straight up artists. Some of their knowledge has rubbed off on me, and some of them have taken an idea I’ve had in my head and made it real!
I started this website with the idea of being a travel writer, but as I tried my hand at it, I realized that I had no desire to write out step-by-step guides of how to best walk the city of Prague or explore the center of Vienna. Nope. I know a lot of amazing writers do it, and I totally read their articles!
But I have no patience.
There’s something glorious, to me, to draw pictures from travels to some other deep thought or wondering. Is there a name for that type of writing? Not journalistic writing…but writing that one might do in his or her journal? So I’m a journalist of a type.
If you write, you know that you’re supposed to have a niche. Knitting stories and yarn. Lifting weights and people’s spirits with words. Nannying and fairytale writing.
I thought my niche was traveling.
I love it, so it’s not a bad thought. But I’m not a professional. And I’m average. I have no special circumstance to create a niche.
Anyway, all that to say that I’m in the process of exploring to find my niche. Stick around to see what that is!
My favorite joke is that I’d like to be a professional pen pal. And in some ways, I guess that’s how I view this website. It’s my on-going letter to you.