If you workout, then you know all the reasons that people workout: vanity, health, attitude boost, competition, to be able to eat whatever they want, a hobby, whatever. The reasons and drive vary person to person. But it has to be your reason! For me, the reason of health is not enough…nor vanity. I do it for love.
Yes, you heard right. I exercise for the love of the aerial arts. All side effects are just extra benefits.
6 Reasons I Workout Because I Like to Ask Myself Why
1. To Be Stronger
I thrill when I see my body do an invert (flip upside down). When I can lift myself higher or lift a heavier weight, I can feel my invisible cape flapping in the invisible wind. Guys, I got my first strict pull-up in 2018, and I couldn’t be prouder. That’s been a dream for 10 years.
2. To Be Better at Aerial
For the last two years, I’ve been falling deep deep in love with the aerial arts. I delight in taking classes in aerial silks, aerial rope, aerial straps, aerial duo, and so much more. The combination of strength and grace on display is absolutely intoxicating. But I promise you that I look stupid at least 20 times during any class.
3. For the Community
Nothing ties people together better than mutual suffering, grappling with challenging sequences, and the moment of success. We are all there to work hard. Whether CrossFit or Aerial, I’ve discovered people who cheer you on and notice your improvements. I might make a TINY improvement, and without fail, someone always notices. That’s pretty amazing.
4. To Wow You
YES! I’m going to be ridiculously honest. I love sharing my aerial videos of my silk drops, straps shenanigans, and rope endeavors. Everyone seems to think I’m doing super human stuff, but I’m not. You could do it, too. But I definitely love all the likes and comments.
(now you know, please don’t stop liking my posts)
5. For Health, I suppose
I’m the kid that eats my feelings. When I was younger, I tried to diet so I could be thin. That diet lasted until there was ice cream in front of me. Working out means that my body powers through my oops calories faster than ever before (my skin still breaks out though).
6. Extra Side Benefits
Some of the extra side benefits of working out include being constantly humbled, nurturing good self-talk, offering myself grace, pushing myself to try again, and showing up when I don’t feel like it. Oh, and hey, body composition changes are nothing to be laughed at…though my weight hasn’t changed much, my muscle and fat distribution is VERY different.
And though I value the changes in my body, the true gift is mental grit that comes from pushing through challenging and gut-ripping workouts. Because sometimes, I don’t want to. But that’s life, right?
I workout because it teaches me the endurance to navigate the highs and lows of life while also recognizing the moments that require a full-out sprint (I hate running). Why do you workout? What began the journey? What keeps you going when things get tough?