Have you ever been in a show? Or spent months preparing for a big performance, whether for a team sport or an academic contest? The nerves are enough to influence your weight, whether you gain or lose.
Monday Musings: Post-Show Blues
Some people breathe a sigh of intense relief when they’re act is over. And sure, I’ve been there. But this time around, I discovered that I was sad and not ready to be done.
I like to ignore sad feelings, but this time around, I knew I wanted to be proactive in responding to those feelings. I needed to move.
1. Basic Housekeeping
Organizing your home space after weeks of disorder because all you could focus on was prepping for that BIG THING can be so therapeutic. My room tidied. The dishes washed. Bathroom cleaned. And with each task completed, contentment joined the sadness.
Cleaning won’t banish sadness, but somehow those simple tasks clear the air. Breathe new life into my sad, little lungs.
2. Eat a Donut
Never is there a bad time to eat a donut. Okay, okay, if you have weight goals or donuts rip you apart from the inside, it’s a no-go. But for me, a donut can be a celebratory food or a soul-balm. When I’m sad, donuts remind me that there is still sweetness in the world.
So eat the donut, friend.
3. Try on Pretty Clothes
Visit the most expensive store you can think of and try on clothing. It’s hard to feel sad when you look fabulous, even if you’ve only got the mirrors to witness your fabulosity (shhh, it’s a word today). I love to imagine the events that would be appropriate for some of these outfits. Clothes are a grown-up version of dress-up.
But word to the wise, don’t try on the white jumpsuit.
4. Cook for the New Week
Turning your gaze to what’s ahead helps balance the sadness or the feelings attached to days and events that have already passed. And totally choose a recipe that is comfort food to you because, hey, that’s where you are. I chose a chunky tomato soup that will probably include a grilled cheese sandwich on the side (at least once).
But who am I kidding? It’ll be grilled cheese alllllll week. Haha.
5. Visit a friend
Friends are the best. Especially the ones who will rehash every detail with you post-event. We grabbed our favorite beverages of choice, curled up on the couch with a cat between us, and watched the videos with a running commentary. And it was the best.
Never underestimate the goodness of reliving the moment, good and bad and sideways.
Truly, I think getting out of the house is a big one after you’ve completed something like this, whether it’s something you worked hard for…or just a relief to have over. And you know, it’s okay to be sad. Your feelings are yours and legitimate (this is something I have to continue to learn for myself).
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