For the most part, I like to keep my job and my writing separate. This is why I haven’t mentioned on here what I’ve been up to in Austria.
But, I want you to know. Because it’s cool.
I work with OM EAST as the project manager of their media department. Keep reading for the true coolness!
First the Past
About three years ago, I stood in a friend’s kitchen dreaming about the future. We were both single and just graduated from university with degrees that don’t lead to clear jobs (English and Theater). As kids do, we were dreaming about our possibilities.
“I want to work with books, and I always thought I’d do missions (I love Jesus). But that just doesn’t fit with my passions.” I rubbed my hand over the smooth counter.
“Wow!” She stood up straight. “There are organizations out there that need people to volunteer all sorts of skills!”
A couple of google searches later found me OM or Operation Mobilization. Searching through that giant organization offered many different chances for me to use my English degree. But the team that really caught my attention was OM EAST (Operation Mobilization EurAsia Support Team – a mouthful, right?).
Why do I love OM EAST?
This little team specializes in supporting the Church in Central Asia and post Soviet Union countries. The team supports the Church as they evangelize, disciple, and church plant. And they do it with literature! Ding ding dingggg!
Have you ever been to any type of hardcore study program that didn’t come with some type of book or workbook? Yeah, me neither.
Honestly, good resources in a lot of these countries are really hard to come by.
And here’s the thing. A lot of Christian literature comes from the United States of America, which is fine, but of course, the covers are relevant to the culture and people there. The graphic designers at OM EAST create covers that are culturally relevant to the countries that the book will be distributed in. This is awesome, people!
We partner with Voice of the Martyrs, George Verwer, and Roma Bible Union, to name just a few. I’ve been reading about the work of Voice of the Martyrs since I was a kid so it’s pretty exciting to me to be a tiny bit a part of that organization’s work.
Personally, why do I love OM EAST?
My co-workers come from all over the world. Not only do I have the privilege of living in another country, but I also revel in learning about different countries just by interacting with my colleagues. In all, we have seven different countries represented.
Our team of young professionals has great leadership, and there is general unity. But best of all, we enjoy working together, living life side by side, and stumbling around in a culture not our own. We’re a mismatched group.
My wings are being stretched in new ways as the project manager of the literature and media office. In a past life, I worked under the managing editor at Ave Maria Press for almost two years, and I thought I knew all the things one could know about managing an office. (cue laughter)
I know nothing. But, I’m learning a lot every day as I figure out the skill sets of the graphic designers I manage. In all honesty, I imagine my job would put some of you to sleep since it’s not as hands-on as others. But, I did have the privilege to travel to Serbia at the end of May to participate in a book distribution of Gypsy Smith with our partner, Roma Bible Union. You can read about it here!
Why should you volunteer with OM?
My biased opinion is that OM is great because of its international quality. No matter what team of people you join for however long (two weeks to forever), you’ll be working alongside individuals from around the world. The giant of the organization might overwhelm you, but once you plug into a smaller team, you’ll likely find a group of passionate individuals with a goal in mind. It’s about putting your love for Jesus into your work. You can work on a ship! Or with teenagers, sports, or the creative arts! And a quick search on their website can show you many different opportunities that might fit your skill set!
OM is for you if you love Jesus and the world, wanting to improve the lives of people in other nations or even your own. Click here to search the opportunities!
OM is not for you if you could care less about others. But even then, maybe OM would be a good experience. Check out the opportunities anyway!
[…] You can read a bit more here: OM EAST: Working and Living the Volunteer Life. […]