Warm weather brings the people out to the grass, seeking sunshine puddles that pool along the edges of trees and the cool pleasure of ice cream. And when the sunshine puddles leak into a new part of the grass, the people follow. It’s a strange game of hide-n-seek, hop-scotch, and leap frog all at once. Adults and children play it.
And the warmth brings an abundance of fresh produce. Strawberries appear once again. And eating them is like receiving the sweetest of kisses, all giving and deliciousness.
What is it about the sunshine and the strawberries that require an afternoon in a park with a book? Ignoring the rest of reality with the imaginary world of words even while reveling in the warm reality of sunshine, strawberries, and bird song.
What is your perfect escape when the sunshine comes out and begs you to play? And when the summer strawberries kiss your lips and sweeten your tongue?
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